Friday 18 November 2011

Battlefield 3 symphony

You guys should take a minute out of your day to watch this! The guys who created this deserve more than the 2000 views they are on atm!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Call of duty Elite update!

Finally the guys down at elite have announced that all premium & Founder members should have full access to ELITE and there increasing the flow of free users on a daily basis. Which means you can activate your founder cards, premium memberships and start your clans!


Xbox 720 dev kits to be shipped to leading developers before xmas!

Edge magazine reports that custom dev kits are going to be shipped to some leasing developers by the end of this year! Publishers like EA and Ubisoft will be some of the lucky few to get there hands on these goods. what does that mean? It means that the likely hood of the 720 being released in 2012 is increasing. . With the wii u being released next year microsoft is stepping up to the plate to once again take on sony and the new wii.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Halo CE anniversary Edition intro


With halo's 10th anniversary in full swing i thought i would share with you guys the remade intro from halo anniversary. Halo CE was for a large part the game that started it all. Its the reason Xbox Live is the way it is today, And for that we would like to say thank you halo. Happy Birthday.

City of Heroes Goes F2P

Its been a Long time coming but the popular super hero mmo City of heroes is now  FREE to play. It also comes with the city of villains expansion so you can choose the good side or the bad side! It has a great character customization with the ability to change the size, shape and outfit your character is wearing! There are many different options so there is no reason 2 characters would ever look alike. They are up to issue 21 with a new zone, new archtype, new trials and ofcourse new powers! So what are you waiting for! Head over to city of heroes and enlist today! You could be the next super hero the town needs!

Monday 14 November 2011

MW3 is 1 week old!

Before the release of mw3 there was a lot of hype and a lot of speculation whether or not this game is going to hold up. There were rumors that it was going to bomb, that it was too much like mw2, that its all been done before and the list goes on and on. I went to the midnight launch and picked up not only a copy of mw3 hardened edition but i brought the console aswell! Now its officially been out a week and i am nearly second prestige i feel that i have played the game long enough to make a opinion that is fair and not judgmental from its first appearance. By first appearance the game visually reminds you of mw2 but when you are playing you can tell that the game is very different. A common view is that the game just "flows" and it truly does. It feels so smooth as you move around the maps. They have also seemed to cater for all players weapon wise. They have brought back quick scoping and it is more fluent and easy than ever, no scoping is also very common. The sub machine guns are powerful.. think mp40 from world at war. Everything seems equally powerful when equipped with the right thing. I have 2 complaints. my first complaint is the maps. They are all the same style. They are twisty streets with rubble and debris everywhere. There are no open maps or at least differently styled. I can honestly say that some of the maps when you select them in lobby i cannot tell which is which because they are so alike. My second complaint is that i purchased the call of duty hardened edition and the elite service which is the only reason you would purchase it has not been available for use due to them "not expecting so many people". What i don't understand is they would have known there site traffic numbers for elite before hand and they would have knows there pre-order/production numbers. Yesterday was the first day i was able to access the website while others have been able to get online from day one. The one thing i want to do and haven't been able to is to create a clan. All in all i understand that this is a new feature and i expect them to have problems with it. All in all so far im loving the game and i think that mw3 should be a part of everyone's gaming collection.

Halo 4 will be on xbox 360!

People have been skeptical all along whether or not halo 4 will be for xbox 360 or the anticipated 720! well the answer is now here, it will be released for the 360! With halo CE anniversary edition released today it was a perfect time for the announcement. 343's Frank O'Connor has confirmed that not only will it be on the 360 but it will also run off the old halo engine. On NeoGAF forums  he wrote
"Halo 4 will be on Xbox 360 and use a modified core of the Halo engine(s), Not really a singular engine since it goes through fairly radical evolutions all the time." Either way we are excited to see what is to come of halo 4!